Blog Articles

But WHY?

But WHY?

The world is in such chaos. Covid is out of control. There are riots. Racism. Protests. Tearing down of monuments. Fighting about wearing a mask. Everyone is fighting for something. People are fighting for their rights and their causes like never before. These causes...

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See What Love Can Do During a Pandemic

See What Love Can Do During a Pandemic

In an online world full of death tolls, quarantines, and Coronavirus memes, we want to shine a bit of light into the darkness from our little corner of the internet, too. We want to be helpers and we want to show you how you and be helpers, too.

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Walking Through the Gate to Freedom

Walking Through the Gate to Freedom

My heart. My feelings. It’s been a crazy month. We have been so busy and traveled so much I haven’t been able to think straight let alone share about my CNN interview. To be honest, I am still in shock that CNN ran a story on me. It doesn’t even seem real. July was...

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Sunflower House’s Time Has Arrived

Sunflower House’s Time Has Arrived

The last two weeks have been a blur. We have been traveling so much and so much has happened that I haven't had time to share. This includes sharing my feelings about my CNN interview. That will be coming soon. But what I want to share right now is about our Sunflower...

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