Priceless Project

Love Missions is actively building safe houses in Guyana. Sunflower House is a model of restoration for children rescued from human trafficking.
Our mission is to provide safe homes for children rescued out of this horrible evil and provide healing and hope. These houses are able to shelter up to twenty four children.
We are empowering survivors through job creation and mentorship programs. We provide training and education to those wanting to make a difference.
We lead trips in and out of the country to bring education and awareness to those most vulnerable.

We Need Your Help Urgently!
Together, Let’s See What Love Can Do.

We have BIG NEWS! We recently rescued FIVE children out of the hands of their abuser. This horrible man threatened to pour gasoline on them and set them all on fire. With many prayers, social workers and police were able to get them out safely. Now they are in our beautiful Sunflower Safehouse.
We are so excited to have you partner with us in bringing them safety, hope, love, and a future.
- You can change a child's life for as little as $25/month
- Click on the donate button and select the option "Sponsor a Child"
Annie’s Story
“No man would ever want to marry me.” These were the words of a young woman who just revealed she had been sold into the sex trade.
We had met Annie when she was 6 years of age. Like most kids Annie’s age, she was full of joy and life. She would come to our community events consistently and we looked forward to see her beautiful face every year. But there were years she never showed up and we didn’t know why. We would always ask the other children about her but never got answers. So, all we could do is pray for her.
Eventually she came back, but this time something was different. Her joy was replaced with sadness. The girl who was so full of life seemed to have had an end to her innocence. Our questions led nowhere. Annie would never share what was wrong.
It was in 2012 that Annie would finally open up, and it changed Love Missions forever. At one of our community events, Annie pulled us to the side and began to tell one of our leaders how at the age of 7 her mother sold her to a man in his late 50’s for sex. This was the beginning of years of abuse.
We were shocked to say the least! How did we miss this? What could we have done differently? These and many more more questions ran through our heads. All we could do is cry with her as she uttered the phrase “no man would ever want to marry me.”
We wish we could tell you Annie’s story is a rare one. Because of Annie’s courage, we had many young girls come forward the share similar stories with us that night. This was the night our Priceless Project was born.
Love Missions has taken up the fight against human trafficking. We seek to let every child, woman and man know they are Priceless, and cannot be bought and sold.
Through community education, awareness and safe houses, Love Missions is set on the abolishment of modern day slavery.
Annie’s story has a happy ending. She is receiving the help she needs and in 2016 she was married!