Sunflower House’s Time Has Arrived

Jul 27, 2019 | Human Trafficking, News

The last two weeks have been a blur. We have been traveling so much and so much has happened that I haven’t had time to share. This includes sharing my feelings about my CNN interview. That will be coming soon. But what I want to share right now is about our Sunflower Safe House for girls. 

An Amazing Trip

Our trip to South America went amazing. This year we decided the trip needed to be a work trip to finish the house. There was still much work to be done. And this team worked hard. We literally sweated our body weight and worked our behinds off.

As I reflect with tears in my eyes, it’s now time to thank everyone who has been on this journey with us. It’s been a long hard journey. There were times we wanted to give up as it seemed this home was never going to happen.

Sunflower Safe House for Human Trafficking Victims
Sunflower Safe House for Human Trafficking Victims
Sunflower Safe House for Human Trafficking Victims

I’m so thankful to the volunteers and contributors who came alongside us and encouraged us, and who never gave up on us or this project.

Sunflower Safe House kitchen
Sunflower Safe House kitchen
Sunflower Safe House kitchen

Those who traveled with us on work teams and painted, constructed, and prayed for this building.

Sunflower Safe House kitchen
Sunflower Safe House kitchen
Sunflower Safe House kitchen

Those who stayed state-side that donated goods, donated money and helped us fill a container. There have been so many.

Sunflower Safe House shipping containers
people moving furniture
appliances for Sunflower Safe House

So many who have helped us get to this place. Churches, businesses, and individuals — and lots of mission teams.

And of course, my family who have supported, given and sacrificed much.

I want to name you all, but there wouldn’t be enough room on this page. But God knows who you are, you know who you are, and we are grateful. 

God Clears the Way

The enemy sure threw some significant roadblocks in our path. But God always cleared the way.

Several years ago, when this vision was coming together, God woke me up to Habakkuk 2:2-3. At the time, I thought, what is Habakkuk, and is it in the Bible? So I looked it up, and this is what it said:

Then the Lord said to me: write the vision and engrave it plainly on tablets so he may run who reads it. For the vision awaits its appointed time. It hastens to the end. It will not lie. Even if it seems slow, wait patiently for it. Because it will certainly come; it will not delay.

That was around five years ago. I thought it was so amazing at the time. But then I hadn’t thought about it again for a very long time.

And there was discouragement, and it was going so slow.

While on this trip, there were a few things that happened, and I was feeling frustrated. I went to bed, prayed, and woke up at 2 am with Habakkuk 2:2 again. So I got my Bible and reread it.

Wow, this is precisely what has happened over the last few years. It has been slow! To me and I’m sure some of our supporters. 

A Dream Turned Reality

But, today its appointed time has come. As I looked around the Sunflower House, I cried. It is coming to pass. It is happening!

Our team this year was small. There were only four of us. But what was very interesting about these four was that we were some of the first ones to walk through the property before we even began the work. Now the same four walked through it completed. It was overwhelming. And I thought it was very cool how that turned out.

Sunflower Safe House living room
Sunflower Safe House living room
Sunflower Safe House living room

We give God all the glory. We thank God for all the hands who have helped in the beginning, middle, and to the end.

Sunflower Safe House living room
Sunflower Safe House living room
Sunflower Safe House living room

We thank our Guyanese supporters, Brother Roberts and Sister Sattie, for offering the building and being patient along the way. Pastor Dev and his wife Sis Yuklyn, who stood by our side, helped us in so many ways and prayed for us. And our Guyanese brothers and sisters, who helped us work on the house — Sham, Kris, Andrew, Kevin, and many others. And those that cleaned and watched over it when we left — Samantha and Terry.

Sunflower Safe House living room

As you look through the pictures, you will see a shell of a building turn into a beautiful home. Again so many have made this possible we couldn’t have done it without every one of you.

painting sunflowers on the house
painting sunflowers on the house
painting sunflowers on the house

We had different teams paint sunflowers. Each sunflower has it’s own personality just like the person who painted it, just like the children that will live in it. Individual little lives. Beautiful lives. I love it so much.

kids smilingIt brings me joy, and I know it will bring joy to the children. These little lives will be made whole again. Their hearts put back together with love.❤

We expect the Sunflower House to be housing children within the next thirty days. The house mom is excited to start loving on these children. We are excited to meet them all and watch the transformation and restoration as love enters their lives.

Love conquers all! It’s why Love Missions exists.

The pictures here are only a small portion of the work that has been done on Sunflower House. There are more pictures of Sunflower House, and it’s progression and volunteers, in our image gallery folder below. I hope you enjoy them.

Thank you ALL again!

Love, Tina

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