Events Intern

Location: Sanford, FL
Hours: 15 hr/week
Areas of Interest: Event Coordinating, Community Relations, Trip Planning, Fundraising

Position Overview
As the Events Intern for Love Missions, your areas of focus would be our local events under the Care Project and the Education Project. You would be given the opportunity to develop your own team of volunteers, and to lead the planning, promoting, organizing, and successful executing of our Packing Parties. Whether it’s detailing travel logistics for Love Missions trips to Guyana and Arizona, or setting up a booth at the Farmer’s Market to share our vision with the community– your communication and event planning skills would grow beyond your expectations as our Events Intern.

Basically, here’s what you’ll be doing:

  • Scheduling speaking engagements for Love Missions educators
  • Recruiting community members to attend our weekly Packing Parties
  • Representing Love Missions at community events and local high schools
  • Coordinating the travel logistics for domestic and international Love Missions trips
  • Assisting Love Missions volunteers in preparation for their trips
  • Helping organize and lead Packing Parties

By the end of the internship, you’ll know how to:

  • Work with all sorts of people who are passionate about helping others
  • Discover new ways to create smooth and efficient event plans
  • Inspire your community to contribute to what you’re passionate about

Love Missions Gold Heart


Empowering others through education

Love Missions Blue Heart


Every child, woman and man is Priceless

Love Missions Red Heart


Caring for those in need

Love Missions Green Heart


Love has no boundaries

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